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Weight Loss Simplified

Public·82 members

I didn't think of doing an intro post! Here it goes...

I'm Jenni, a retired social worker and work at a gym PT now. I'm a total fitness junkie and couldn't live without it. I am 3 months PP with my second child (there's a 18 year age gap between my first and second!). I worked out my whole pregnancy (running until 38 weeks and gave birth at 39 weeks) 5x a week HIIT classes. I only gained 30lbs but was about 15lbs heavier then i am comfortable at when i got pregnant. I gave birth and lost 20lbs. Stopped BF and gained 15 back. Ahhh the joys of being a mom! I workout still 5x a week so i went to Amanda for some help to get back to a comfortable weight. I took my second shot on Monday and so far im down 9lbs!

Lookin forward to seeing where this can get me. Def feeling better in m skin this week.

Evelyn Martinez
Amanda Rand, PA-C


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