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Harmonize Your Health: The Power of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy


At Blu, we understand the profound impact hormones have on your overall well-being. Our personalized approach aims to restore harmony within your body, offering tailored solutions to address hormonal imbalances.


Walter Schilling, PA-C 

Meet Walter Schilling, a Physician Assistant-Certified with a passion for Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). With years of experience in the medical field, Walter has honed his expertise in understanding the optimization of hormones and their impact on overall health and wellness. The combination of experienced practice and hormone specific training equates to the understanding of how hormones impact all systems; brain, heart, skin, muscle, and sexual health. 


At Blu Aesthetics, Walter focuses on tailored solutions for individuals seeking hormone optimization through BHRT services. He believes in a comprehensive approach, combining the latest scientific research with a deep understanding of each patient's unique needs. Walter is committed to guiding patients through their wellness journey, providing compassionate care and empowering them to regain vitality and balance.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Treatments


Thyroid hormones are the primary regulator of metabolism. Optimizing your thyroid hormones is crucial to reducing visceral fat and increasing lean body mass.  Boost your energy, mental cognition, and improve memory loss with thyroid replacement. Normal is not optimal especially when evaluating thyroid. At Blu your symptoms are addressed and treated, not your levels. Improve energy, mood, cognition, fat burning, and well-being. 


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